Biodiversidade e Saúde - IOC

Programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu em biodiversidade e saúde

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Início do conteúdo


The doctorate program will last at least two years up to four years. The regular time for course completion will depend on the frequency confirmation, utilization in the subjects and defense of the thesis. A minimum of  2880 class hours is mandatory.                                  

Areas of Concentration and Research Lines

The Graduate Program in Biodiversity and Health is constituted of two Areas of Concentration: Environmental Health and Taxonomy and systematics. In this set, are contained 9 Research Lines.

Research lines in the Areas of Concentration in Taxonomy and systematics:
- Taxonomy and systematics of helminths;
- Taxonomy of Neotropical limnic molluscs;
- Taxonomy and systematics of arthropods of interest in health;
- Taxonomy and systematics of wild mammals, with emphasis on zoonosis reservoirs;
- Taxonomy and biochemical characterization of fungi, bacteria and protozoa of importance for the health.
Research lines in the Areas of Concentration in Environmental health:
- Bionomics, monitoring and control of helminths;
- Biomonitoring and ecology of aquatic ecosystems;
- Bionomics, monitoring and control of arthropod vectors and from forensic importance;
- Interdisciplinary studies on wild mammals with emphasis on zoonosis reservoirs.

Mandatory Credits

The Graduate Program in Biodiversity and Health of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (PGBS/IOC/Fiocruz) requires for completion of the doctorate course the minimum number of thirty-six (36) credits in courses and one hundred and sixty (160) credits for thesis work. Doctorate students can in principle use up to twenty (20) credits for the completion of the master's degree obtained in related concentration area.

Credits Reapplied

There are considered optional subjects all the other subjects offered in courses of the Graduate Program of Fiocruz or other academic or research institutions since they have equal to or higher evaluation than that obtained by PGBS together with Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education - Capes) and since it attended with approval, a priori, of the counselor and validated by the Graduate Commission (CPG) of the Program.

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